It's December 31. 10 o'clock in the eve and you are at a party, a club, bar-hopping with friends and perhaps you have been drinking. If you haven't prior to ten, then you are by now and by the time the ball drops you are feelin' a lot more of the alcohol. Meaningful conversation is not exactly the greatest commodity at the moment and you might be kissing someone... someone you dearly love or someone you hardly know. You party on into the new year and for the first few hours of a new era in your life you are intoxicated, sweaty from all the dancing, and perhaps made some choices you won't remember and your friends are glad you won't.
Ok, so maybe this scenario does not describe what your new year's eve was like but it does fit the bill for millions across the country. In part, (in small part - like the dancing, sweating and being with friends part) including me. I was with great friends in a fun city, lots to do, plenty of bars, lots of people.
Why is it that on brink of a New Era, a new decade, a fresh start we are dull, distracted, delayed, loud, emotional, or however you are when you're drunk. It's not like we do not deem this time in our lives as important and valuable. We use our vacation time, sick day(s), money we don't have to visit loved ones and get some R&R. So, why do we as Americans think this is the best way to start out the year 2010?
What if we started a New Year revolution? One person at a time. What if we planned a party where we drank whatever we chose yet our focus was on the conversation, the people, how their lives have changed in the past year and how together we can better the year to come for each other and our communities? We could give bars and party venues a run for their money! Is that not what you really want anyway?
Be the change you wish to see in the world Right? How can we expect out of others what we cannot and will not do on our own? Are we enabling the world to head in the wrong direction by staying inactive in our own neighborhood?
So here is to a New Year and a New You!! Cheers, my friend.
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